When we sit to paint, the idea that the final output may not fish a "Wow!", "Amazing" or "How beautiful!" from the people we share it with, may be scary enough for some of us to not start in the first place.
Moving ahead may be a series of baby steps or big leaps. Whatever it may be for you, we'd like to encourage you to move forward, no matter how little.
Here's our way of extending a helping hand. Go hunt your canvas and paints. Let's get this party started!
Using Winsor and Newton Galeria Acrylics, Escoda Perla Brush, Art Essentials Brushes and Canvas.
We’ll be painting our fluffy friend today.
Step 1 :
Grab your Canvas, Paints, Palette and Brushes.
We’re using Mars Black, Permanent Green Deep, Titanium White, Permanent Rose, Burnt Umber, Yellow Ochre, Burnt Sienna.
You can use the closest shades you have to these.
Step 2 :
Draw the basic proportions and check their accuracy by comparing with the reference.
Keep working on it till you’re happy.
Fill those outlines of proportions with details.
Add as few or as many as you like (but keep in mind a lot of them get covered in our first layer of paint so don't invest too much time here)
Step 3 :
Mix some Green with Yellow Ochre (cadmium or lemon yellow if you prefer brighter green)
Start laying it on the canvas.
3/4 of the canvas on the bottom end will be covered with it.
You don't have to make even strokes.
A little personality in the strokes always adds to the beauty of the painting.
Step 4 :
The Deeper green for top 1/4th area.
We mix the original green on the palette with burnt Sienna (or any red of your choice)
And lay it on our Canvas as well.
Some blending in the middle.
Step 5 :
Mix Yellow Ochre with Burnt Umber (or Sienna if you want the fur to have reddish hue)
Step 6 :
Repeat step 5 and add some white this time.
Have a little faith and move on with the painting.
it’s going to be okay, we promise.
Step 7 :
Add some white to the base coat colour and use it for highlights.
Use a fine brush and remember to use tapering brush strokes only.
Art Essentials Mightlon Brush was perfect for the strokes that gave the illusion of fur.
(We say ‘Illusion’ because we won't be painting every single hair here, only need to suggest it)
Step 8 :
Same process as Step 7- Tapering strokes for the darker parts.
Step 9 :
Mix some Permanent Rose with white so we can get bright pink for the Tongue.
Lay that on the canvas.
(Save some of this, we'll use it on the nose too)
Step 10 :
For the Shadows on the tongue, mix some Burnt Umber with Permanent Rose.
That's what it'll look like,
It'll add depth to the otherwise flat looking part.
We decided to have some drip effect on the sides.
Just drag down whichever colour is on the edge.
Step 11 :
Bring out your best fine brush and add black to the darkest part of the painting.
Add some highlights on the tongue, those cute whiskers and add some pink on the nose.
And we’re done!
You can keep your little friend on your desk/ table or gift it to a friend who loves Dogs.
Do tag us on Instagram @artloungein if you follow along to recreate this painting.
We'd love to see your work!
Shop for the products we have used :
Art Essentials Canvas
Art Essentials Mightlon
Winsor and Newton Galeria Acrylics
Mijello Palette